ReadtheDocs Guide

Documentation for our generic modules should be written in **Restructured Text**, compiled with Sphinx, and built/hosted with ReadTheDocs. This directory, when compiled, is hosted at https://[yourmodule]

For minor changes, you can simply Edit the file using the Github editor, which will allow you to make a Pull Request. Once approved, your changes will be reflected in the documentation automatically!

Install Sphinx

For minor changes, you don’t need to build the documentation! If you want to see how your changes will look on the built site, however, you will need Sphinx installed.Sphinx packages are published on the Python Package Index. The preferred tool for installing packages from PyPI is pip. This tool is provided with all modern versions of Python.

On Linux or MacOS, you should open your terminal and run the following command.

$ pip install -U sphinx

After installation, type sphinx-build --version on the command prompt. If everything worked fine, you will see the version number for the Sphinx package you just installed.

For more information, please see the Sphinx setup guide:

Building your changes

For more extensive edits, or when contributing new guides, you should build the documentation locally. From the docs root (e.g. [your module]/docs/, execute make html. The built site will be in docs/_build/html/index.html.


Please follow these guidelines when updating our docs. Let us know if you have any questions or something isn’t clear.

Please place images in the same folder as the guide text file, following the convention [file_name].[n].[optional description].[extension]. For example, configuring_page_display.3.rearrange.png or configuring_page_display.1.png are both located in docs/user_guide/ and are part of the configuring_page_display.rst guide.

We currently use the following syntax:

Title of File (using title case)

Introduction text.

.. note::

  This would show up as a boxed note to the reader. It's good for ensuring important points/hints are seen but should be used sparingly. It's also a good way to note that "This guide is under developement."

Section Title

We use double backticks to indicate ``inline-code`` including file names, function and method names, paths, etc.

Longer code-blocks should begin with the ``.. code-block:: [type]`` directive and should be indented at least one 
level. There should also be a blank line before and after it as shown below.

.. code-block:: bash

  if ($needs_documentation) {
      use $these_guidelines;
      $contribute_docs = $appreciated;

Section 1.1 Title

The use of appropriate sections makes reading documentation and later specific details easier. Sub sections such 
as this one will be hidden unless the main section is already selected.

The following toctree specifies that there are 3 files with additional content for the current page.
The order is as it will appear in the sidebar and the link titles will be the "Title of File" for each file.
.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Contents:


For more information on syntax, see this RestructuredText Primer.

Starting Docs for a new Module

  1. Install sphinx using pip and navigate yourself into git directory.
  2. Create a docs folder there and go inside. Run sphinx-quickstart and set to your needs. Simply accept the defaults except for:
The project name will occur in several places in the built documentation.
> Project name: Genotypes Loader
> Author name(s): Carolyn T Caron et al., University of Saskatchewan, Pulse Bioinformatics
> Project release []:
  1. Create one .rst document per planned section and populate it accoding to the guidelines above. If a given section is long enough to be broken up into sub-sections then create a folder with the same name as [your section].rst and place all .rst files for that section within it.
  2. For each .rst file, ensure it is added to the toctree for that section. The base sections should be added to the index.rst
  3. Edit the index.rst: change the title to [My Module]: Available Documentation and remove the Indices and Tables section.
  4. Ensure your matches the one provided here. by comparing each section. Do not change your project information and pay special attention to PHP Highlighting and Options for HTML output.
  5. Copy _static from this repo to your docs folder. This contains the UofS-Pulse-Binfo theme alterations.
  6. Build your documentation using make html and check _build/html/index.html to ensure your documentation looks as it should.
  7. Add _build/ to your .gitignore file and commit your changes pushing them out to github.
  8. Go to and add this module as a project.


If Theme error: no theme named 'sphinx_rtd_theme' found (missing theme.conf?) is encountered in step 8. This error indicates sphinx theme package sphinx-rtd-theme is not available in your system and it can be installed by executing following command on Linux or MacOS.

sudo pip install sphinx-rtd-theme